Prism Finalist!! + Giveaway :)
I've wonderful news, INSIDE OUT final for a Prism Award in the Young Adult category!! YAY!! My fellow finalists are Shade, by Jeri Smith-Ready (a really good friend of mine - we already planned for the winner to buy the loser a drink ;), and Picture the Dead , by Kelly Barrales-Saylor. We'll find out the winner at the end of June. Here's a link to see the other finalists in the other catergories: As for the giveaway - I'm a guest blogger on I Just Wanna to Sit Here and Read blog - I blogged about writing a dystopian novel and Sheepy. As part of the blog, we are giving away 4 copies of INSIDE OUT so stop by and be entered to win - the contest ends June 6th. Here's the link: I had a great time at BEA (book expo) and am now off to Balticon in Hunt Valley, Maryland for the long weekend! If anyone is in the area on...