Taste of Darkness Blog Tour!

After waiting over a year, TASTE OF DARKNESS is finally being released! Yay! To celebrate, I'm doing a blog tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. The tour starts Monday, December 30 and goes to January 10, 2014 (minus the weekends :). MIRA books has generously offered to give away 12 copies of TOD for this tour and it will include two international winners. Here are all the stops and what you can expect at these Blogs: Monday, December 30: Read Now Sleep Later (Interview): http://www.readnowsleeplater.com/ Tuesday, December 31: Tynga's Reviews (Guest Post): http://www.tyngasreviews.com Wednesday, January 1: Fiktshun (Guest Post): http://www.fiktshun.com Thursday, January 2: Bibliophilia Please (Interview): http://www.bibliophiliaplease.com Friday, January 3: Snowdrop Dreams (Review): http://www.snowdropdreams.ca Monday, January 6: Parajunkee (Guest Post): http://www.parajunkee.com Tuesday, January 7: Moonlight Gleam (Review):...