Celebrating 7000+ Likes!

My author page on Facebook has reached over 7000 likes and I'm celebrating by giving away 7 prizes to random commenters on my post (you have to post on Facebook to enter - ALL are welcome and the link is below). https://www.facebook.com/mvsfans/photos/a.10151147255959322.460191.33763514321/10152256754824322/?type=1&comment_id=11734143&offset=0&total_comments=394 I wasn't quite sure what to think of Facebook when it first appeared. I was a big MySpace user (remember that?) and didn't want to add to my digital work load. My friend, Alethea created an author page for me on Facebook and was answering questions and, when she couldn't answer, she'd email me and I'd tell her. My niece Amy also helped out from time to time. Now I answer all the questions/comments and I have a personal page (which I post mostly the same things on - I'll post more about my family and life on my personal page and all my book news on my author page)....