Summer Reads Scavenger Hunt!

July 16 to July 19, 2014 INFO ABOUT THE HUNT: The Summer Reads Scavenger Hunt will run from TODAY until midnight on SUNDAY (19 th July). To enter to win FORTY signed paperbacks by a wide range of authors PLUS $30 worth of Amazon Gift Cards , simply hop around ALL participating stops, collect all of the highlighted numbers, add them together, and then go enter the requested details along with your calculated answer in the ENTRY FORM . You can find more information on how the stop works here: . All stops will direct you to the next place to hop across to. And don’t worry if you get lost, because the entire list of participating authors can be found HERE . One of those signed paperbacks is a copy of my STORM GLASS! And keep reading this post as I'm hosting a swag give away on my blog (see below) and you'll be able to win super rare swag from ME over on author Jonathan Lister's blog at: http://ijonathanlister...