Thanksgiving Give Away Extravaganza!

Here in the USA we celebrate Thanksgiving and reflect on what we are thankful for. I've a long list, but one of the main things I'm very thankful for are my readers! They rock! They've given me such joy over the years! So I'm doing a Thanksgiving Give Away Extravaganza of 6 books! This is for my readers so I've put in questions so I know you're a reader and not some random person hoping to win a book. These give aways are open to ALL!! Original Hardcover Edition of Poison Study a Rafflecopter giveaway Chinese Edition of Poison Study a Rafflecopter giveaway Advance Reading Copy of A Promise of Fire by Amanda Bouchet a Rafflecopter giveaway Whisper Advance Reading Copy by Lynette Noni a Rafflecopter giveaway Dangerously Charming by Deborah Blake a Rafflecopter giveaway An Advance Reading Copy of Firstborn (Book 2 in the Progeny Series) by Tosca Lee a Rafflecopter giveaway