Touch of Power ARC Giveaway

Now that I have your attention :) I'm doing a special OUTSIDE IN promotion and dangling an ARC of TOUCH OF POWER as the prize. As many of you know, I have contests on my website for all my books. If you answer 20 questions about the book correctly, I'll send you a signed book label for your book and you're entered into a quarterly drawing to win a copy of the book. However, poor OUTSIDE IN only has 3 entries since March and I'm determined to change that! So, here's the deal - email me ( ) the answers to the 20 questions below (please put: special OI promo in the subject line), and include your mailing address by OCTOBER 22, 2011 and you will be entered to win an ARC of TOUCH OF POWER with the UK cover! You'll also get a book label and some cool bookmarks :) This is open to everyone and no shipping costs either. QUESTIONS: •1 – What is the name of Trella's new cleaning troll? •2 – Who is Bubba Boom? •3 – What are th...