
Showing posts from January, 2012

The Lost Week

So where did last week go?  I've been so good about posting links for the UK TOP blog tour and then nothin'.  Well I have a pretty good guess - the Floor Guy.  Yep he struck last week, tearing up my kitchen, foyer, hallway and bathroom floors like the Tasmanian devil.  The Floor Guy was here all week, making dust as he chipped old tile out and put in new despite the overly curious attentions from the cat ("bravest cat in the world," according to Floor Guy, "normally they hide the whole time I'm here." - Not Valek - he was right in the middle of everything and I had to put him downstairs or else he would have been glued to the floor).  And the worst part - Floor Guy showed up promptly at 8 am every morning.  Groan!  I write until 3 am so I wasn't getting much sleep either.  But the new floor is in and looks fabulous :) So what did I miss - the final week of my UK TOP Blog Tour -  The UK office is already onto promoting Julie Kagawa's Th...

TOP Blog Tour - UK update + Rebels

The US official blog tour has ended, but the UK one is just getting started, and I've a few rebels still fighting ;> I've posted lots of news this past week about the video book trailer and MIZZ magazine prizes of an iPad and iTouch - pretty sweet if you ask me :) Today I'm catching up and posting a couple official blog tour stops  and a few rebels. See below for linkage! The Reader Room posted a quick Q&A with me on Monday here: And today is Nayu's Reading Corner : Rebel post and give away open to all is at Fantasy Freak's blog here: And this interview on USA Today's blog Happy Ever After !: -01-12/interview-maria-v-snyder-author-of-touch-of-power/602540/1


Seems my UK readers really really like me! INSIDE OUT has been short listed for the Coventry Inspiration Book Awards in the The Read It Or Else! Category. YAY!!! ANYONE (no age or location limit) can vote. If you're so inclined to help me (and UK readers take note if I win I have to go to Coventry, which means I'll stay longer and visit!!)  Here's the link to vote: Also while you're in the voting mood :)  If you remember I've featured Jon Sprunk on my blog twice, once for his book Shadow's Son and for his latest release, Shadow's Lure .  Well Jon is also up for an award and I would very much appreciate if you took a few seconds to vote for his book (which is really good and Jon's a nice guy and friend!)  in the Gemmell Awards.  Here's a link:

The UK Office is on Fire!

Not literally! But just when I thought we hit cruising speed with the UK Blog Tour, TOUCH OF POWER website ( ), and Kindle giveaway, the UK office uploads a video book trailer for the book!  AND has hooked up with MIZZ magazine to giveaway another fantastic prize - an iPad (and an iTouch for a runner up)!!!!  Amazing!  Thank you to all the UK staff for working so hard to promote my books!   Details below the trailer :) Here's the post about the MIZZ contest:  Maria V. Snyder has teamed up with top teen mag Mizz to offer you the chance to WIN AN IPAD and become MizzMagTV’s official book reviewer of 2012! All you need to do is create a video review of her fantastic new book TOUCH OF POWER, and even better, MIRA Ink are giving away 50 review copies for free to get you started. To enter: Email with your name, age, address and the first 50 people will get a FREE COPY of A Touch o...

TOP Blog Tour - It's all over the Internet!

That's how it feels to me - I've done so many interviews, guest blogs, and reviews have been posted all over the blogosphere (99 % postive - yay!) that I feel a bit over-exposed!  I hope you're not tired of entering contests since the GRAND PRIZE of the $100 SPA certificate is still open for entries for the next 5 days over on my blog here: Today's official US/Canada blog stop is on Books Complete Me .  A review of TOUCH OF POWER and another chance to win a free book can be found here: The UK blog tour is heating up!  Once Upon a Time has posted a review, interview and details about a contest.  Here's the link: Here is a 4 star review and Must Read pick from the UK's SCI FI NOW magazine: Today's rebel blog is Under the Covers and I must warn you that this site reviews more ad...

TOP Blog Tour UK Edition

The UK office is kicking off a blog tour for TOUCH OF POWER this week!  They are offering a Kindle stuffed full of books for the GRAND PRIZE and many copies of the book at each blog site.  Only UK readers can win the Kindle, but each blog will have a contest and set the rules of who can win. The jumping off point for the tour is on the TOUCH OF POWER website - where you can read a blog that I had written about the book.  Here's the link: And here's a link to the UK animated cover, which is super cool - it has it's own site now:    Here is the list of blogs and the dates they will be posting:

TOP Blog Tour - Map Quest!

A question I'm often asked is how do I develop the world/map in my fantasy novels.  Well, now you can read the answer and see how I created the map for TOUCH OF POWER on today's official blog tour stop  Seeing Night Reviews .  You'll see the progression of maps from basic to more detailed (below is the final map that's in the book).  Of course there is another chance to win a free copy :) Here's the link: And Seeing Night Reviews also reviewed the book here: Other news - the UK blog tour will be starting on Tuesday, January 9, 2012 and I'll post all the links soon!  I went skiing last night for the first time since last March - my legs are killing me! And I saw this in the paper this morning and thought I'd share: Eight specially designed and shaped coffins*: The mo...

TOP Blog Tour - Another chance to win

Another great review and contest to win a copy of TOUCH OF POWER for my official blog tour.  Today Two Chicks on Books (so cute!) has posted a spoiler-free review and offers a chance to win. Here's the link: This isn't quite a Rebel Blog as it's RT BOOK REVIEWS! I was asked to be a guest on their blog today and write about the inspiration for Avry's healing powers. Check it out here: v-snyder-power-touch-power   Also - this month I'll be traveling around Pennsylvania and New Jersey for a number of book signings.  My first stop will be on Friday, January 6th  at the Books A Million at the Exton Square Mall from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.  (298 Exton Square Mall, Exton, Pennsylvania, 19341, 610-363-1156) Next weekend I'll be at these two locations near my home town: January 14, 2012 Book Signing at...

TOP Blog Tour - Week 3

I hope everyone had a fantastic New Year celebration this weekend!  Anyone make any resolutions?  I plan to stick to my writing schedule starting......tomorrow ;>  The official blog tour is back in action this week, starting with Live to Read blog.  Krystal posted a wonderful review about the book (no spoilers), and is giving away a copy of TOUCH OF POWER. Check it out here: