The Lost Week
So where did last week go? I've been so good about posting links for the UK TOP blog tour and then nothin'. Well I have a pretty good guess - the Floor Guy. Yep he struck last week, tearing up my kitchen, foyer, hallway and bathroom floors like the Tasmanian devil. The Floor Guy was here all week, making dust as he chipped old tile out and put in new despite the overly curious attentions from the cat ("bravest cat in the world," according to Floor Guy, "normally they hide the whole time I'm here." - Not Valek - he was right in the middle of everything and I had to put him downstairs or else he would have been glued to the floor). And the worst part - Floor Guy showed up promptly at 8 am every morning. Groan! I write until 3 am so I wasn't getting much sleep either. But the new floor is in and looks fabulous :) So what did I miss - the final week of my UK TOP Blog Tour - The UK office is already onto promoting Julie Kagawa's Th...