Double Promo Take 2 + Q&A with Dana Marton

Now it's my turn to offer a special prize package. Dana offered one a few weeks ago and I'm offering a set of the UK editions INSIDE OUT and OUTSIDE IN books along with a custom designed necklace and earrings set that match the books (made by me - see picture below :) In order to enter to win this prize, please LIKE Dana's and my Facebook pages by May 7th at midnight EST and leave a comment here that you did (also leave an email addy so I can contact you). If you already liked me (or us), you're still eligible to enter. This is open internationally! Facebook Links: Now onto the Q&A. Dana and I both attended Seton Hill University's Writing Popular Fiction Masters program. If you've been paying attention to this blog, you know I've featured a couple other SHU alumnus that have published their fantasy books (Sabrina Benulis and...