Spring Fever...literally

Sorry it's been quiet around here - 16 days without a post. The short version is I caught a nasty head cold/sinus infection, went to Texas, had a blast, worked too hard, came home still sick, and spent the next week napping...er...recovering. The long story is down below (warning - it's very long - but there are some pictures!), but first I need to anounce the winners of the Australian Give Away! Thanks for all who posted reviews for INSIDE OUT and OUTSIDE IN all over the Internet - it is most appreciated! I picked four winners by using a random number generator, and from those four, the person with the highest score won his/her choice of Study books or Glass books. Second highest received the other set and the next two won Australian editions of INSIDE OUT (I hope - I haven't heard from my AU editor yet!). The winners are: 1st place - Nicole - who picked the Glass books! 2nd place - Ashley - gets the Study books! 3rd place - Sophia -...