Cleaning Out the Cobwebs - Part 3!

Ha! You didn't think I'd keep this up, did you?? Well, I will admit to writing all three of these posts in one afternoon and scheduling them to post two days apart. Why? I didn't want to bore you with all those stories in one long post, and this week I'll be crunching out the writing big time! Another reason I haven't blogged since December is I've been working very hard on book 3 of my Healer series - TASTE OF DEATH. It's due out at the end of 2013, but my editor wants it by April 1st! No fooling! I have a couple days to finish the first draft and make some sense of it! It's a mess right now - it's going to need some major revisions. Which is why it's due April 1st - I need time to revise based on my daughter, son, husband, editor and agent's comments. The art department needs time to design the cover art, the sales staff needs time to get orders from book stores, the marketing department needs time to...