The "Trials" of Poison Study

Part 2! In Part 1, I talked about how I sparked on the idea for Poison Study . You can read it here: Part 1 Today's post is what happened next. After spending 4 years writing and revising Poison Study , it was ready. I decided I wanted to find a literary agent to help me sell my book to publishers (editors work for publishers). So I bought a copy of The Literary Marketplace to do my research and find agents who didn't charge fees to read my book, who were located in New York City, and who represented fantasy novels. I made a list of those agents and agencies. In June 2001, I began submitting to agents. Most of them wanted to see the first 3 chapters and the synopsis, and some only wanted a query letter. A query letter is just a single page that tells the agent what your book is about and who you are. My first round of submissions goes out and I start getting rejections. Most are form letters (or postcards) and a few just write, "W...