I had a great time at Balticon this weekend even though I was busy with 10 panels/workshops. It was wonderful to see everyone and hanging out with my writer friends. Now I need to get back to work. Here's a list of what I need to do before I can go relax at the beach on June 25: Revise SCENT OF MAGIC Write a short story for THE BEST LAID PLANS anthology Write a travel article about Australia for b Magazine Write a synopsis for TASTE OF DEATH (bk 3 in the Healer series) Write a synopsis for another series to be written after Taste Of Death Prep for talk for the Valley Forge Romance Writers Present to VFRW Attend the Book Expo in NYC in June Prep for Seton Hill's residency (I'm teaching two classes) and writer's conference (I'm leading one workshop) Here's the link: Attend SHU's residency and writer's conference The list is rather overwhelming...impossible maybe? I also have a n...