
Showing posts from May, 2012


I had a great time at Balticon this weekend even though I was busy with 10 panels/workshops. It was wonderful to see everyone and hanging out with my writer friends. Now I need to get back to work. Here's a list of what I need to do before I can go relax at the beach on June 25: Revise SCENT OF MAGIC Write a short story for THE BEST LAID PLANS anthology Write a travel article about Australia for b Magazine Write a synopsis for TASTE OF DEATH (bk 3 in the Healer series) Write a synopsis for another series to be written after Taste Of Death Prep for talk for the Valley Forge Romance Writers Present to VFRW Attend the Book Expo in NYC in June Prep for Seton Hill's residency (I'm teaching two classes) and writer's conference (I'm leading one workshop) Here's the link: Attend SHU's residency and writer's conference The list is rather overwhelming...impossible maybe?  I also have a n...

The Power in a Reader's Touch - Part 2

by Bri Clark This is about 24 hours late and it is completely my fault reader dears. My life goes at a Warp 9 speed. So when anything not on my usual schedule happens (ie a child gets sick, a cat decides she wants to wear my bra, I drop a phone in a toilet) my mojo gets thrown for a loop. So apologies to Maria and ya'll as well. Last week I introduced ya'll to 2 things. 1. You readers are powerful. 2. Amazon Algorithm. If you missed  The Power in a Reader's Touch: Part I go here  Now if you thought I was going to try and explain in more detail AA then I'm going to introduce you to disappointment. This is a post for readers and frankly you don't need to know all that. Not to mention it changes all the blasted time. However, I'm going to introduce ya'll to one tool of manipulation. Cue the dada dumdum music followed by the drum roll..... REVIEWS I heard that sigh. I'm so glad we've moved passed the eye rolling. Reviews are one of the comp...

The Power of a Reader's Touch

Today I'm thrilled to have a guest blogger - the bestselling author Bri Clark who is one smart and savvy lady.  Long time followers of my blog may remember her other guest post: GMC and we Ain't Talking Trucks - that post has the 4th highest page views of my blog (it was 3rd, but Scent of Magic Cover Art knocked it out). This blog is the first in a series that I will post every Wednesday. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did :) The Power in a Reader’s Touch By Bri Clark There is one element that defies publishers whether Indie, a big NY house, or the self pubbed author, a force that controls even the almighty Amazon, Walmart and Barnes and Noble. This power is a humble presence. It is so humble in fact, it does not realize its own strength. Whom am I speaking of? What could be so strong that it could defy traditional publishers and even Amazon? I t is you my dear reader. I see your scoffing smirks and those rolling eyes. Once you can focus, again keep rea...

A Day in the Life

I'm guest blogging today on Sit Read Cook's blog about a typical day for me - there are pictures of my desk and various toys that keep me company :)  We're also giving away a signed copy of INSIDE to a lucky winner - open internationally of course!  Here's the link: Also I'd like to CONGRATULATE Maria on winning the Special Prize Package offered during the Double Promo with author Dana Marton!  (not me - another Maria ;) You still have a chance to win one of 12 books if you post a comment by 11:50 pm EDST tonight on my Facebook status here:!/mvsfans/posts/10150787697329322?notif_t=feed_comment   I'm celebrating over 3000 likes by giving away lots of books!!