To Do List...Done! On Vacation...Finally!

So I managed to cross off all the items I listed in my Massive To Do list in May - my goal was to get them done in time for my beach vacation and I made it! Woo Hoo!! Here's the list: Revise SCENT OF MAGIC Done - My editor is excited about the revisions! Pub date: Dec 27, 2012 Write a short story for THE BEST LAID PLANS anthology Done. Title: Brand Spanking New . It has returned with editorial comments - revisions are needed. Write a travel article about Australia for b Magazine Done. Write a synopsis for TASTE OF DEATH (bk 3 in the Healer series) Done. (I really like the way this book develops - a new nasty comes into play called the Skeleton King - he's mention in Touch of Power - does anyone remember?). Comments came back from my agent - revisions are needed. Write a synopsis for another series to be written after Taste Of Death. Done - I only wrote the synopsis for book 1 since I'm a seat of the pants writer and have no idea what book...