My Readers are THE BEST! Part 4.5

Yes, I know what I said in my last post! But technically this is part of Part 4...right? I wanted to do this post for a special reader - those on Facebook know her as my administrator for the MVS Fans page and those on Goodreads know her as the Study Buddies moderator. As you can see, she's very involved with my books and is one of my biggest supporters. How big? I'm glad you asked! Alethea first emailed me September of 2008. She worked at Borders (rip Borders :( at the time and told me she had two copies of my Study series books, one to keep and one to loan out. Alethea then proceeded to tell me her goal was to hand sell 400 copies of my books by Christmas that year. Thrilled by her email, I replied, offering to send her signed book labels and bookmarks to her store. Of course she'd love them and asked for 200! Yikes - but I didn't hesitate (if someone is offering to hand sell hundreds of y...