I hope you enjoyed reading all 31 chapter notes for Poison Study ! Writing them all was more work that I had anticipated, but it was really fun to re-read those chapters and think about my thought process and what was going on in my life at that time. It's surprising just how much of my life is in my books! Here are the 31 questions. Yes, some of them are hard and others...not so much. There will be 10 winners picked from the highest scorers. The Rafflecopter will be open until November 7th. The contest is open to ALL (yes, that means worldwide :). I will post the winners and answers by November 10th. 1. What profession would Valek take up in a perfect world? 2. How many languages has Poison Study been translated into? 3. In the Glass books, what was Opal gifted with for completing “Spy training”? 4. What is the nickname Valek gives to Ari and Janco? 5. In the Glass series, who are Teegan and Reema? 6. How many awards has Poison Study won? 7. In S...